Non-Profit & Foundation filings, planning & compliance

Francis S. Infurchia & Company, LLC has specialized in servicing hundreds of non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, charities,  private foundations, social clubs, and other tax-exempt organizations over the years. We are highly proficient in guiding our clients (typically a Director as President or Treasurer of their organization) through the nuances of IRS tax law to help maintain your organizations tax-exempt status. Did you know that the most authoritative federal oversight government agency of tax-exempt organizations is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? Did you also know that tax-exempt organizations are more susceptible to public scrutiny than for-profit businesses?

Whether you are looking to start a tax-exempt organization or have been one for many years our firm has the competence and experience to keep your organization compliant with exempt purpose tax law, annual filings and more.

Key areas of service include:

  1. Form 990 annual filing preparation
  2. State Registration & renewal annual filings
  3. Financial Statement Preparation (Audit, Review, Compilation level)
  4. Board of Directors Services
    1. We provide tax law, accounting support and educational assistance to Directors that have taken a service position within their organization.
    2. We attend board and/or organization meetings to present financial statements and tax filings.
    3. Advisory regarding: public support test, activities allowable to maintain exempt status, unrelated business taxable income , sales tax and exemptions from sales tax, organization performance, analysis of public information, mission statements, program services, fundraising, deductibility of donations, lobbying, fiduciary responsibilities of Directors.
  5. Tax controversy representation


Our goal is to make sure clients are kept in the loop regarding relevant tax changes and financial opportunities.